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quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014


7 comentários:

  1. Dos 3 resultados possíveis, apenas admito a nossa vitória...!!
    Amanhã se Deus quiser...lá estaremos amigo Mário...!!

    Saímos às 18,30...espero estar por Lisboa lá pelas 19,30...!!

    Sporting Sempre...!!

    Abraço e SL

  2. The Portugee Bacaladitos are like an Albania, an El Salvador, or a Laos, but we enjoy "thinking" we are somehow special because we have been munching on English weiners for over 700 years even though they have used us as a buffer between Spain and them. If only we had the intelligence to have united with our brothers Spain, we would have Crushed the English long, long ago but alas....we are much too stupid to think Big so we remained the lap dog, i mean bummm buddy of the English.

    Basically, Putugal is SHIT! :(

    1. Basically you are stupid and don't speak portuguese because you don't have culture

    2. this abnormal wrote that this text is not only an uneducated country

  3. basically you´re a mother fucker, a english gay without cock

  4. é para dar cabo dessa tripeirada azeiteira, eles vão com o rabo entre as pernas lá para a bimbolândia.

    força Sporting
